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Modernize Your Vulnerability and Risk Management Program for Increased Cyber Resiliency

​Haggai Polak
Chief Product Officer of Skybox Security

Session Outline

In this session we will discuss the latest research, markets and programs for Vulnerability and Risk Management. We will review how Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) is gaining ground as the recommended program to ensure effective risk prioritization and reduction, increasing an organizations Cyber Resilience. The session will cover the five stages of CTEM, the product categories and markets that can help you effectively execute each stage, and some real world examples of how to implement Exposure Management. 


The speaker will share the current research from analysts and key industry leaders on how to successfully mature and migrate from legacy, periodical vulnerability scans, to a continuous and cyclical discovery, prioritization and remediation of exposures in the enterprise. With this knowledge, you will be equipped to improve your organization’s Cyber Resilience and be on your way to implementing a CTEM program.


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